March SuperMoon Mixtape!

Friday evening as I walked home in the balmy heat of the first Spring weather day of the year, I came upon the Full “SuperMoon”, set amidst a sky of baby blue with light pink clouds floating gently over it. It was gorgeous. One of those rare New York evenings where the sky halts you and you step out of your absorption in city things and appreciate how amazing and wondrous the natural world around us is.

It’s been quite a week, what with all the tragic natural events as well as human made ones occurring. A week that will most likely be reflected upon in the future for years to come. The fallout is literal, and the long-term effects, unknown. I personally couldn’t help but think of Japanese filmmaker Kurosawa’s film “Dreams” which was based on the actual director’s dreams. In the short “dreams” shown are several nightmares, two of which involve nuclear disasters.

While hopefully the situation in Japan now will turn nowhere near as horrifying as the plot in the movie, it does give us all pause for reflection. What do we want our lives to be like? Do we want to live under the threat of nuclear fallout due to either a natural or human disaster? Do we have the will, determination, and teamwork to find a solution that doesn’t put people at such risk? I certainly hope we do. For I don’t think the tsunami in Japan will be the last on this planet. The Earth has other plans for us, and she’s not letting us know what she’s up to. We should really try and accept this sooner, rather than later.

So a little thoughtful “SuperMoon” Mixtape for everyone as we start out our week and the start to Spring!


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