Merc Retro “Solar Eclipse ‘Fly’ ...

Merc Retro “Solar Eclipse ‘Fly’ Mix Tape!”

Well it’s official: we’re fully into the Sagittarius/Gemini eclipse cycle! The tail end of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle finished this past Summer with the mega-whammy Triple Eclipse of June and July! I am also happy to report that there will be no Triple Whammy this Winter, just the regular pair of eclipses, one Solar and the other Lunar.

This time, we began the cycle with the Solar Eclipse, which occurred officially after most of us were passed out from our Thanksgiving dinners this morning at 1:08 AM EST. What I find fascinating about this Eclipse series, is not only that it takes place entirely within a Mercury Retrograde (which is a strange time to begin with) but also that the first eclipse, the Solar one from this morning, took place at 2 degrees Sagittarius which is very close to the 3 degrees that Mercury will regress to by December 13th before it goes Direct.

Even more interesting, is that the Lunar Eclipse on December 10th, will occur at 18 degrees Sag/Gemini which is extremely close to the 20 degree starting point of the Mercury Retro on Nov 24th! It’s almost like there’s a bizarre book-ending going on, a strange symmetry, with the eclipses and the Retrograde

I can’t say that I really know what it all means, or what this Retrograde and these eclipses will bring in combination. Traditionally Eclipses mean “big change” and Retrogrades mean “reflection/review.” Whether or not the combination adds up to a life changing review or something from the past returning to drastically change the present, I cannot say. But I will say this: There’s a lot of Sagittarius in this Solar Eclipse chart! Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus and North Node are all in Sag! That’s a lot of centaurs out there, just itching to roam and live the nomadic life! Most of us cannot live the nomadic life of constantly changing horizons, as our live aren’t configured for such constant exploration. However, we can always challenge ourself to think in a new way, learn something new, and grow, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually!

So whatever this Merc Retrograde and Eclipse set brings us this Holiday season, it almost certainly will allow us to expand our horizons and allow for a broader view of the world we live in. And while we may not be able to take the round the world journey we’ve always wanted, we can listen to this “Solar Eclipse ‘Fly’ Mix tape!” and remind ourselves that not all journeys that we take, have to be literal ones.

Solar Eclipse “Fly” Mix! by Sasha on Grooveshark


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