We’re almost finished with this Venus Retrograde: but it’s important to point out, it’s not over yet! There always seem to be points in the Retrograde cycle where I think things can’t still be going backwards, miscommunications and horrors of all kinds can’t still be happening, and more surprises aren’t on the way. But then I realize that in fact, Venus is still going backwards: that we’re not done yet! Although it may not make a lot of degree progress backwards, so that for all intensive purposes it’s almost stationary, for the next week, until April 17th, Venus is indeed still not making any progress forwards and is in fact going backwards. It’s an important thing to remind yourself because there have been some intensely cathartic aspects that may make one feel that you’re in the clear. On March 27th Venus Conjuncted the Sun during the retrograde cycle: this usually is a point that gives us great insight into what this particular retrograde cycle is about for us. Oftentimes it’s a turning point, where some information is found out and realizations occur about what your values are compared to the values of someone else. Sometimes an ethical choice is presented to one and one has to decide where one stands with a particular situation. It might then seem like things would take a turn for the better: at least I thought they might in my life at that date. However, the rest of Venus retrograde is still playing itself out: it’s not done yet. And I knew that for sure when on April 2nd-3rd Venus squared Pluto and the reconciliation with a friend that I thought had happened at the Venus conjunct Sun point, was blown out of the water and as it turns out, such a lack of humanness was shown that I realize I cannot be friends with this person anymore.
Venus Retrograde: It’s not Over til it’s Over!
- Sasha
- 11 April
- Astrology, Retrograde, Retrogrades, Venus
So even though there are only 7 days left: remember that Venus is still in reflection mode where it’s best not to move forwards on any decisions regarding your love life, but it’s better to simply re-evaluate your values and what it is that you want in your life. I find that once Venus goes direct, things will clear up. It may take til May 20th, another month later, when we’ve finished with the “shadow” but come the end of next week thing may really be looking up. In the meantime don’t assume anything, especially in regards to relationships, for things are not as they seem, and although we may not like it, it’s not over til it’s over.